

National Arbor Month

We don’t want to say that we have favourites, but September really is our favourite month of the year. It’s the first of Spring and it’s the month we as South Africans celebrate National Arbor Week.

From 1 – 7 September, Arbor Week stands to highlight the importance of trees and the role they play in the circle of life. This year the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), as the custodian of forestry in South Africa, were responsible for the 2019 campaign: “Forests and Sustainable Cities”.


The Arbor Day initiative is recognised globally and is geared towards planting a tree during this week, in an attempt to ensure a greener future for the future generations. We love taking this time to acknowledge and celebrate the beauty and immense importance that trees play in our lives. Many initiatives are instigated across the country, with companies and movements alike hosting tree planting events to help those achieve this goal when they might not know how to go about it.


This year, The Kloof Project hosted an Arbor Day event on Saturday the 31st of September. We invited schools, business, companies and the general public alike to join us for this event and to plant a tree that will grow tall, strong and life giving. We were absolutely thrilled with the turn out, and were so excited to see so many people taking positive action to securing a green tomorrow for the future generations. Of the many individuals that joined us for this day, we were most thrilled at the amount of parents that had brought their children to the event as we know that with all areas of life, we need to lead by example if we want to see change in this world. And boy, we really need to see a turn around with Global Warming and pollution in general.


We’d like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you that turned out for this glorious event. We were so happy to see just how enthusiastic our community was to planting trees and helping create a greener tomorrow. Here are a few shots from the Arbor Day event.

Be sure to follow us on social media for more updates on what The Kloof Project is up to next. And if you’d like to support our cause, then simply scan this code on Zapper and donate.