
The Railway Line

The Railway Line

In the reminiscences of Mr. Charles Beviss, who came to Pinetown in about 1872, as a child he remembers “the wagons going up-country followed the present road to Kloof but coming back, if empty, the wagons took the short cut down the face of Fields Hill.”  The “face of Field’s Hill” to which he refers, was past St Mary’s School down the present Jerome Place and Jerome Drive.  This was the route of the original Old Dutch Road, which was used for both the up and down route until the road around the hill, incorporating Fields Crescent, was built.


After the railway was built and opened in 1879, ox wagon traffic almost disappeared within 4 years.


This section of line was opened to Bothas Hill on 24 March 1879 and in those days after leaving Pine Town station, the next station up the line was Gilletts (as it was then spelt).


Krantzkloof Station (now Kloof) was built and opened in 1890 and was originally a wood & iron building.

Krantz Kloof Station c. 1905.  Source: Pietermaritzburg Archives Repository

The Elizabeth Bridge was built around 1960 and replaced the level crossing adjacent to St Agnes Church. The home of Ada Field (born North), a daughter-in-law of Elizabeth Field, still stands in Elizabeth Rd, and the flight of stairs built for her still links Elizabeth Rd to Willingdon Avenue near the intersection of Church Rd.


Information courtesy of Adrian Rowe