

What To Do When You Find A Snake In Your Home.

It’s snake season in the Upper Highway area and we want to give you a few tips on what to do when you find an unwanted guest in your house.


Stay Calm
We know that panic sets in when you see a snake because you don’t know if it’s venomous or not. The snake is most likely in your house looking for food, so don’t try and interfere with them, slowly back away from the snake, keep calm and keep an eye on it until assistance arrives.


Do not kill them
Snakes serve a crucial role in the eco-system, so please do not kill them. If you attempt to kill the snake, it will feel threatened and try to defend itself and you will have a far greater chance of being bitten. In the event that you are bitten by a snake it is extremely important to get a picture of it so hospital staff can identify the snake.


Take safety measures
If you find a snake in your home, it’s important to keep your children and pets a safe distance away from it. Snakes will feel threatened by any movement in your house and will often try to hide in safe dark areas that are close to them. Turn off tumble dryers, vacuum cleaners and anything that causes vibrations through the floor as that is how snakes hear. Close doors and windows leading to the room and place a rolled-up towel along the base of the door to prevent the snake escaping into other areas of the house.


Call a snake catcher
Contact any professionals on the Catchers list in Durban. Try your best to describe what the snake looks like and how it behaves. Keep a safe eye on the snake while waiting for assistance to arrive. Here are the names and contact details for snake catchers in the Durban area.


Warren Venter – 0731480884

Nick Evans – 0728095806

Jason Arnold (Durban North and Surrounds) – 0827456375

Byron Zimmerman (Upper Highway and Surrounds) – 0828946783

Shaun Venter (Bluff and Surrounds) – 0614663081

Neville Wolmerans (Ballito and Surrounds) – 0825614969

Samantha Cumming (Ballito and Surrounds) – 0723168178

Caitlin Hunt (Amanzimtoti and Surrounds) – 0842054677

Jurie Wahl (Amanzimtoti and Surrounds) – 0722480561


If you live in an area that is particularly prone to snakes, you can download an app called ASI Snakes which provides numbers as well as locations of snake catchers, detailed information on all South African snakes as well as many more valuable tips.

Encountering a snake in your home can be a scary experience but it’s important to remain calm, leave the snake alone, keep kids and pets at a safe distance and contact a professional to safely capture and relocate the snake.
